地名 Toponymes Place names
Many place names in North America have retained their original French name.
[fra]De nombreux lieux-dits d'Amérique du Nord ont conservé leur nom français original.[/fra]
Baton Rouge (Louisiana) means 'red stick'. ⇨ Rouge: Red
Blanche (Alabama, Tennessee) means 'white'. ⇨ Blanc: White
Bois Blanc Island (Michigan) means 'white wood' island. ⇨ Blanc: White
Bonne Terre (Missouri) and Terrebonne (Oregon) mean 'good earth' ⇨ Terre: Earth.
Champ (Missouri, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia) means 'field'. ⇨ Champ: Field
Chaud Spring (Oregon) means 'hot water spring'. ⇨ Chaud: Hot
Chene Blanc or Chien Blanc (Louisiana) means 'white dog'. ⇨ Blanc: White
Clair Lake, Lake Clair or Lac Clair mean 'clear (water) lake'. ⇨ Lumière: Light
Cote Blanche (Louisiana) means 'white shore'. ⇨ Blanc: White
Des Moines river (Iowa) means 'river of the monks'. ⇨ Seul: Alone
Eau Claire (Wisconsin) means 'clear water'. ⇨ Eau: Water
Etoile (Kentucky, Texas) means 'star'. ⇨ Étoile: Star
Fond du Lac (Wisconsin) means 'bottom of the lake'. ⇨ Fond: Bottom
Froid (Montana) means 'cold'. ⇨ Froid: Cold
Grand Teton (Wyoming) means 'big breast'. ⇨ Grand: Big
La Petite Roche was the original name of Little Rock (Arkansas). ⇨ Pierre: Stone
Lac du Flambeau (Wisconsin Indian reservation) means 'torch lake'. ⇨ Flamber: to Burn
Lac du Lune (Wisconsin) means 'moon lake'. ⇨ Lune: Moon
Les Trois Island (Maine) means 'islands of the three'. ⇨ Trois: Three
Mer Rouge (Louisiana) means 'red sea'. ⇨ Rouge: Red
Petit Caillou (Louisiana) means 'little stone'. ⇨ Pierre: Stone
Pierre (capital of South Dakota) is named after Pierre Choteau. ⇨ Pierre: Stone
Point au Fer (Louisiana) means 'iron headland'. ⇨ Fer: Iron
Pomme de Terre (Missouri) means 'earth fruit' or 'potato' ⇨ Terre: Earth.
Presque Isle (Pennsylvania, Michigan) means 'almost island' (peninsula). ⇨ ÃŽle: Island
River Rouge (Michigan) means 'red river'. ⇨ Rouge: Red
Rougemont (North Carolina) means 'red mountain'. ⇨ Rouge: Red
Terre Haute (Indiana) means 'high land' ⇨ Terre: Earth.
Terre Noire Creek (Arkansas) means 'black earth creek'. ⇨ Noir: Black
Terre Rouge (Arkansas) means 'red earth'. ⇨ Rouge: Red
Vermont ('vert mont') means 'green mountain'. ⇨ Vert: Green
© Renaud Bouret