Justice   Justice  

French was the language of justice in the English courts until the rule of Cromwell (XVIIth century). Roman law has also influenced the English legal vocabulary.
[fra]Le français est demeuré la langue des tribunaux anglais jusqu'au règne de Cromwell (XVIIe siècle). Le droit romain a aussi influencé le vocabulaire juridique anglais.[/fra]

jour (day) adjournment  Jour: Day
avocat (lawyer) advocacy  Appeler: to Call
aliment (food) alimony  Aliment: Food
ami (friend) amicable  Aimer: to Love
appel (call) appeal  Appeler: to Call
attacher (to bind) attachment  Attacher: to Fasten
atteindre (to reach) attaint  Atteindre: to Reach
avouer (to confess) avowal  Appeler: to Call
barre (bar) barrister  Barre: Rail
bref (short) brief  Bref: Short
charge (load) charge  Charge: Load
cour (yard) court of justice  Cour: Yard
crieur (shouter) crier  Crier: to Shout
défaire (to undo) defeasance  Faire: to Do
domaine (estate) demesne  Domicile: House
démettre ('to send away') demise  Mettre: to Put
dicter (to tell what to do) dictum  Dire: to Say
donation (gift) donatory  Donner: to Give
douaire ('gift') dower  Donner: to Give
dureté (hardness) duress  Dur: Hard
empêcher (to hinder) to impeach  Pied: Foot
engrosser (to make bigger) to engross  Grand: Big
expirer (to die) expiry  Respirer: to Breathe
forfait ('trespassing') forfeiture  Faire: to Do
héritier (legatee) heir  Loi: Law
indiquer (to point at) indictment  Doigt: Finger
interdire (to forbid) interdiction  Dire: to Say
jurer (to swear) jury  Jurer: to Swear
libelle ('small book') libel  Livre: Book
maître (master) magistrate  Grand: Big
méfait ('bad deed') malfeasance  Mal: Bad
mandat ('order') mandat  Demander: to Ask
méprise ('ill taken', mistake): misprision  Prendre, to Take
moitié (half) moiety  Moitié: Half
mort (death) mortgage  Mort: Death
main (hand) mortmain  Main: Hand
donner (to give) pardon  Donner: to Give
peine (pain) penal  Peine: Sorrow
poursuivre (to chase) prosecution  Suivre: to Follow
punir (to punish) punishment  Peine: Sorrow
trépasser ('to go beyond') trespasser  Passer: to Go Through
témoin (witness) testimony  Témoin: Witness
vérité (truth) verdict  Dire: to Say
vendre (to sell) vendee  Vendre: to Sell

Justice: Justice
Juste: Right
Jurer: to Swear
Loi: Law
Coupable: Guilty
Témoin: Witness

© Renaud Bouret