战 Guerre War
These words related to war come from French:
abattis ('cut down [trees]'): abatis
aide-de-camp ('camp helper'): aide-de-camp ⇨ Aider: to Help
armes (weapons): arms ⇨ Arme: Weapon
barbette ('small beard'): barbette ⇨ Barbe: Beard
bivouac ('night watch'): bivouac
brevet ('small [writing]'): brevet ⇨ Bref: Short
brigade ('gang'): brigade
camouflage ('hiding'): camouflage ⇨ Cacher: to Hide
chevaux de frise ('horses of Friesland', fence against cavalry): chevaux-de-frise ⇨ Cheval: Horse
corps ('[army] body'): corps ⇨ Corps: Body
enfilade ('string [of shots]'): enfilade ⇨ Fil: Thread
feinte (deception): feint
fusiller ('gunman'): fusilier ⇨ Feu: Fire
garnison ('guarding place'): garrison ⇨ Garder: to Keep
hostile ('like an enemy'): hostile ⇨ Hôte: Guest
infanterie ('a group of youngsters'): infantry ⇨ Enfant: Child
lunette ('[fort shaped like] a small moon'): lunette ⇨ Lune: Moon
militaire ('soldier'): military
redoute ('place of retreat'): redoubt
réveiller (to wake up): reveille ⇨ Veiller: to Watch
riposte ('putting back'): riposte ⇨ Répondre: to Answer
sergent ('servant'): sergeant ⇨ Servitude: Bondage
soudard ('paid fighter'): soldier
sortie ('outing'): sortie ⇨ Sortir: to Go out
Chivalry warfare and fighting:
aiguillette ('pointed end'): aiguillette, aglet ⇨ Aiguille: Needle
casque (helmet): casque
coiffe ('cap'): coif
cuirasse ('leather [garment]'): cuirass
pommeau ('apple shaped'): pommel
rapière ('spade with a rasp-like handle'): rapier
siège ('sitting'): siege ⇨ Asseoir: to Sit
外交 Diplomatie: Diplomacy
战 Guerre: War
邑 Cité: Town
王 Roi: King
能 Pouvoir: Can
天帝 Dieu: God
自由 Libre: Free
胜 Vaincre: to Win
© Renaud Bouret