金融   Finance   Finance  

Many words related to finance and money come from French:
assez ('enough [to pay with]') assets
bénéfice ('well done') benefit  Bien: Well
baratin ('traffic', fraud, empty talk): barter (troc)
barguigner (to haggle) to bargain (marchander)
courant ('running', in circulation) currency  Courir: to Run
caisse ('box') cash caisson (caisson)
coupon ('cut off piece') coupon  Coup: Strike
due ('owed') due  Devoir: to Owe
échiquier ('chessboard-like [cloth covering the payment table]'): exchequer
état ('standing', state) estate (biens, propriété)
fief (land held in feud) fee
finance ('putting and end [to a debt]') finance  Finir: to End
gain ('win') gain
gratuité ('out of kindness', free) gratuity
intérêt ('being amongst', importance, compensation) interest
laisser ('to let') lease
marché ('trading place') market  Commerce: Trade
profit ('progress made') profit  Faire: to Do
retailler ('to cut in small pieces') retail  Tailler: to Cut
salaire ('[money given to soldiers to buy] salt'): salary
taxer ('to handle', to tax) tax
trésorerie ('place to store up') treasury

Since the first bankers were from Northern Italy, some words related to finance and money come from Italian (through French):
banco ([money-changer's] bench') banque bank
bancarotta ('broken bank') banqueroute bankruptcy
credito ('believed', trust) crédit credit  Croire: to Believe

金融 Finance: Finance
Devoir: to Owe
Commerce: Trade
Vendre: to Sell
Å’uvre: Work
Labeur: Toil
Bureau: Desk
Riche: Wealthy
Valeur: Worth

© Renaud Bouret