百 Cent Hundred
pour cent ('by the hundred'): per cent
centième (one hundredth): cent (centime), centesimal (centésimal)
centimètre (one hundredth of a meter): centimeter
centigrade (one hundred degrees): centigrade
centenaire (one hundred years): centenary, centennial ('a hundredth anniversary'), centenarian (a person 100 years old or more) ⇨ An: Year
centurie (a body of one hundred [men]): century (siècle)
centurion ('[captain] of a hundred'): centurion
centuple ('a hundredfold'): centuple
✓ The French translation of 'centipede' ('one hundred feet' ⇨ Pied: Foot) is mille-pattes ('one thousand feet' ⇨ Mille: Thousand)
★ In the metric system, the prefix centi- is used to indicate one hundredth and the prefix hecto- (Greek 'one hundred') to indicate one hundred times.
Es cien, cento (100), centimo (cent), centenario (centennial, centenary)
It cento (100), centesimo (cent) centennio (centennial), centenario (centenary)
Jp pâsento (percent)
百 Cent: Hundred
十 Dix: Ten
一 Un: One
甲 Premier: First
二 Deux: Two
三 Trois: Three
四 Quatre: Four
五 Cinq: Five
六 Six: Six
七 Sept: Seven
八 Huit: Eight
九 Neuf: Nine
千 Mille: Thousand
© Renaud Bouret